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A Writer's Boring Insecurity…

Danny Benson

An insecure writer will create a self-insert character and let their insecurities dictate how that character is written. That character will become who they wish they were. 

Whether it’d be good-looking, intelligent, charismatic, selfless, or always doing the right thing—in other words, boring. 

But when you set those insecurities aside and write out of love and appreciation for your craft. You begin to bleed onto the page and pour yourself into that character. 

Showing the world who you are. All of your insecurities, flaws, and things that may be unlikable about you are on display for everyone to see. 

Your writing becomes a battleground where your self-doubt, shyness, awkwardness, selfishness, and mistakes clash with the positive aspects of your personality. 

And those flaws are what make you human, and who you really are makes your character far more interesting and compelling than who you want to be...



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